Una vita in Pedagna (CD-R)
This is a proper music album by BOR - the very first as a trio (Riccardo Poli - Michele Mazzani - Matteo Poggi)
It takes most of its inspiration from Pedagna, which is a neighborhood of Imola, near Bologna
A celebration of utter void and bleak experience, evocative mourns about love and hate - to trascend and not to fight them - music is very deep sort of gloomy synth-based and shoegazed post synth-pop and also cosmic noise to some extent
Edition of 60 copies
Artwork by BoR
Release date: 1/03/2025
SA27 IFE self titled
(C46 recycled)
IFE is Dario Boldrini (Imposta Fabbricazione Spiriti, Instruments Vivants...) and myself during a late night winter session at Cana Dolce, a stunning place immersed in the peace of nature, right on top of a gentle hill
It is proven that filtering freaky prepared reel to reel tapes into Monome Norns synthesizer rewinds your mind and set your ears in tune!
Artwork by MP
Release date: 19/04/2024
(C46 recycled)
New Female Edition chapter in the book of sonic history, inspired by alchemical patterns of chemical transformations into and around your self
An opaque mirror for you ears and mind!
For obscure abstract tapes/synths cut-ups aficionados
Artwork by MP
Release date: 24/11/23
(C60 recycled)
A liquid journey into sweet synth cacophonies and magnetic tapes filtering leads you to a magical sound path where breathing is the destination
Artwork by MP
Release date: 22/05/23
SA24 GELBA / FLUCHT split (C60 recycled)
Another chapter of synth destruction and sonic aura at Gelba headquarters
Flucht is still Gelba , plus Riccardo Poli on sequencer/synths
Artwork by MP
SA23 LUCE CELESTIALE El Duodecimo Planeta(C46)
Cosmic tones in a playful improvisational field - echoes of a distant almanac - materializes through filtered voices and raw tape hiss
Altered alchemical gaze sees new realities emerge
Devid Ciampalini (New Jooklo Age, Alga Alma..) and Lorena Serrano struggling with synth tones, tapes squeaks, vocoder and acoustic reminiscences for a deep and intense vibrational trance.
Edition of 30 copies
Artwork by MP
SA carton series 04
SYSTEMET Zelo (3"cdr)
Zelo is the dialect name for a mountain of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, on who’s peak, high 2083m, this music was recorded. November in the alps is grim and wet, the tracks are all iced, the forests immaculate and silent. The trek is long, dangerous yet peaceful and magical. It is two of us climbing the rocky top, trying to grab anything that came out of the snow in search of grip. Our backpacks are full of speakers, amps, food and ELI, one of our synthesizers. On the mountaintop, after five hours of cautious hiking, we get a complete view of the Dolomites and Prealps; immersed in solitude in this extreme and metaphysical context, we deploy Systemet in quadriphony. Enjoy the result! Enjoy the Nekrodrone!
E.L. | Systemet
Artwork by MP
Edition of 20
Release date: 24/12/21
SA22 MELTING MIND Tussio Session
(C90 recycled)
On New Year's Eve, 2020 a group of wild friends met to play music
and party in a remote and uninhabited location in central Italy.
The result of these sessions was more than 3 hours of raw material
recorded directly on tape through a cheap tape recorder.
Tussio Session contains about 90 minutes of that fully improvised
sonic experience, where the intensive use of magnetic tapes, modular
synths, out-of-date keyboards and horns creates off-axis electronic
moods layered in different shades.
Screwed drones, liquid squeaks, hints of acid keyboards, meditative
clarinet solos in a free form cauldron: for lo-fi abstract electronic lovers!
Line up: David Vanzan/Virginia Genta/Cristiano Carosi/
Michele Mazzani/Matteo Poggi
Troglosound / Swollen Avantgarde edition
Artwork by Virginia Genta
SA21 CRINAL SESSIONS (tape - zine - 3"cdr)
Dona Ferentes / Systimok / Nuado
November 2020, three naturally mystical musical sensations went to an
awesome location in the Apennines and played their live sets immersed in
the holy paeceful woods of Casentino (italy)...4 different projects of
stray musicians met in the Casentino forests on November 2020 for a new
path of musical alliance and spiritual renaissance.
A concrete emanation
of an idea still in fieri, a close connection between musical
performance, trekking in abandoned areas and alpine pastures, a balanced
relationship to re-discover empathy!Minimalistic
ritualism meant to be experienced directly in loco, though in this box
you will find the entire live sessions in a tape (df/ nuado) and a mini
cdr (systemet/ imok), it contains also a tiny little 'zine with
infos/credits and poetry contributes by Giovanna Demarchi.
Boxset edition of 66 copies.
Co-released with COdA, Hyperborean Fire Prod. and Lonktaar rec
SA20 NUADO / SYNTAX FREE split (C40)
Syntax Free draws an imaginative connection between radical lo-fi
electronics and acoustic / prepared guitar
SF are Enrico Pasi ((esoteric astrologer and metal enthusiast))and
Matteo Poggi ((SA head/ring modulator))
Nuado lingers on soft and sort of meditative hypnotic patterns that
springs from old synths and DIY sequencer/devices
Nuado are Gabriele Gotini ((Videobasic, Sfulmini)) and Matteo Poggi ((itself))
Two colours cover: blu and light grey
Artwork by MP
Limited to 15 copies
Release date: 1/08/2021
SA19 REVERBERALL Senza Dilei (C60 recycled)
Reverberall is the moniker under which lies Riccardo Poli (Kranio Strasciolto, Eclisse Cremisi) struggling with prepared tapes and stomp boxes. Evocative, obscure and emotional soundscapes are screwed into melancholic, dense ambient textures where distant lyrics serve as wildflowers in a no beat area.
Artwork by MP
Edition of 31 + 2 artist copies
SA18 MELTING MIND Volume II (C60 recycled)
Second chapter from this open collective, which include members of Sfulmini and Jooklo Duo. Silly key/synth particles reverberates into tons of distorted oddities and guitar skronk -- solid melt
Line up: Virginia Genta, David Vanzan, Enrico Pasi, Matteo Poggi
Artwork by MP
Edition of 50 hand numbered copies
(C50 recycled)
As part of the mighty Bruital Orgasme, Philippe has always been busy with distorted and frenzy sounds and odd frequencies. This tape is more quiet evocative and field recs-based material mixed with spoken words and silence, goofy stories and hallucinating themes
Artwork by Philippe Cavaleri and Alice Achaques
Co-released with lonktaar rec
Edition of 41 copies
SA16 SFULMINI Aulonia (C60 recycled)
New project between me, Michele Mazzani and Gabriele Gotini (both , respectively part of Gelba and Videobasic) dedicated to soft minimal tape/ scourged synth sounds and to field-recs caught hiking through the rocky slopes of the Dolomites
Acrylic-painted art, sprayed tapes limited to 35 copies
Co-released with lonktaar rec
SA15 CITY DRAGON Eole (C60 recycled)
intriguing urban trip thru tribal tech sounds, reverberating loops,
folk debris -- a rutilant mirage of a golden dawn on broken mirrors
Edition of 30 + 4 test press copies
Artwork by MP
SA// GELBA - Electric hiking thru the deep valley of sonic madness (box / 3x C-90 + 3x C-60)
A massive collection of Gelba recordings, rehearsals and live gigs from
2010 to almost nowadays...this is a monster re-press of a cassette
(every copy was unique) originally released on swollen avantgarde (SA Carton Series 02)
features a booklet with all the infos you need, a map insert and some
strange stuff all included in a recycled tape box with silkscreened
Limited edition 10 copies
Co-release with Lonktaar rec
SA14 GELBA Alpine Range tour 2017 (C20)
edition cassette featuring previously unreleased material recorded thru
January/March, 2017
Available only at the live shows
Edition of 15.
SA13 Bear Bones Lay Low - Visions from limbus
magical opus of rumbling electronics and heavy-smoked psychedelic
deliciousness by our fav warrior Ernesto Gonzales...Seven tracks, a
mystical journey into bleak, crippled mantras, and hallucinating
Co-released with Lonktaar in an edition of 64
copies (two different versions: blue tape/yellow case - yellow tape /
black case and blue art)
No overdubs No pose
SA carton series 03
VARIOUS - Protesi Acustiche XI
(recycled C90 + C60)
A massive document of Protesi Acustiche XI, recorded live direct on tape at Dirtmor / Treviso - Italy // 28th Feb 2015
The bill included:
This box includes two tapes with the entire live sets, one credit
insert, the flier of the night, and a silkscreened box cover.
Co-released with Lonktaar rec
Limited to 30 numbered copies
Gelba deliver some intense tape loop extravagantia, and sweet melodies
totally buried into a swamp of analog delay mess; HFO are Michele
Scariot (dokuro,nodolby) and Asley Facchin, from Belluno, purchasing
abrasive and hyper-distorted guitar heaviness
Pro-dubbed tapes limited to 60 pieces, art by Michele Mazzani and layout by Michele Scariot
Co-released with Dokuro, Fanculo and Lonktaar rec
Try/Give Up is the result of an experiment of self-improvisation, i.e. a simulation of a band, in this case a (pseudo) quartet, that improvizes. Actually each instrument is dubbed, starting from the drum, one take, and cut for a final arrangement that tries to mantain as much as possible the initial improvisative attitude
Co-release w/t Hysm? rec
Edition of 60 copies
Immersed in liquid-venus
lying in snow beds
of empty kingdom
Edition of 20 hand-numbered copies
Artwork by MP
SA09 GELBA fire-spitting ravines (one-side LP)
This monstre is simply a
single track of more than 20 minutes of sulphureous guitar / tape
manipulation droning aura.
This slab of crumbling sounds was recorded
live at Die Sonnenstube / Lugano on October 2013, while some few
individuals could experience it in its purest form.
Again, this torn in
your spine is a good exercise in heaviness, it's the spectral realm of
Co-released with Lonktaar Rec in an edition of 99 regular copies + some few ART editions
Cover silk-screened by Compost + insert by MP
SA08 NATURALISMO / FEMALE EDITION split (recycled C-60)